Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Changing of Tides or just Changing of Times?

It’s been about three years since we first heard the word ‘Hipster’ and used it as a label for a certain group of youngsters with indifferent fashion styles, where it eventually became a label for a fashion trend.  Has the context of ‘hipster’ changed at all during these years? Or does the ‘hipster’ fashion maintain its original forms?

About a year ago, if you walked into a hipster clothing store, you would find rails upon rails of sarcastic print t-shirts, nerdy looking shirts or perhaps some moccasins by the box. Would the stock of these stores have changed by now? We would say partially, but still not completely, because as the world’s fashion change, hipsters remain true to their styles.

Hipsters still dig the vintage look, be it grungy or classy. For the gents, patterned knit sweaters and bow ties, or a simple shirt with some skinny pants are the perfect look for a day out. As for the ladies, some new touches of lacing to a simple top with a simple skirt or pants will be more than sufficient. These things will still be consistently found in any local hipster clothing stores, but we begin to see an even newer trend evolving.

The newest item to recently follow-up into the hipster market to get its spotlight in hipster clothing stores has got to be the overalls. If you look around, you will probably find yourself immersed with average people who wear normal tees, or normal slacks and normal pants. But at the corner of your eye, you might just catch the overalls unicorns or that few individuals who are innovative enough to adopt overalls into their styles.   urban apparel

Whoever said overalls are for farmers must be out of their minds because they are the newest fad in the market, waiting for the market to catch it like a new virus. And although this piece may be much different in appearance than harem pants, it is the legacy and idea behind hipster fashion that makes this new fad and item irresistible.

The idea is to adopt new fashion items and turn them into a statement so loud and eye-catching that onlookers have to turn, stare and desire. Soon enough, young men and women everywhere are going to race to their nearest hipster clothing store to purchase one of these overall pants or they will feel utterly out of style.

So as we sit and wonder if hipsters or the hipster trend will ever be out of fashion, we realize that these pioneers will not go extinct as they develop and evolve themselves to continually adopt new trends and lead in influence for others to change as they change. But even if their trends don’t catch on, you must admit that these groups of people have got impeccable and exciting style.

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